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run away

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

run away基本解释

逃跑,走掉; 逃脱; (使)流走[掉]; 出奔

run away什么意思

run away相关例句



1. He broke the window and ran away.

run away网络解释

1. <<策馬入林>:<>(RunAway)是导演王童尝试以写实角度诠释的武侠大作,摄影责任更形重大,而李屏宾成功地从视觉上强调了五代十国的动荡氛围,以及山贼与平民女子由掳掠到动情的起伏.

2. 逃离:而缺乏运作国际汽车企业经验的上汽集团,在未来是否会为这笔收购交学费现在还不得而知. 路漫漫其修远兮,历经波折的上汽荣威(ROEWE)是会走入歧途(wrong way),还是脱离苦海,从错误中逃离(runaway)出来?我们将拭目以待.


3. 汉城大逃亡:<>(RunAway )李秉宪<>(my little bride )文根英 金来沅<>(The Scarlet Letter )李恩珠 韩石圭 成贤娥 严智媛<>(King And The Clown )李俊基 甘宇成<>(April Snow )孙艺珍 裴勇俊<

4. run away是什么意思

4. 逃跑:run a fever发高烧 | runaway逃跑 | run for...竞选

run away词典解释

1. 离开;逃离;躲开
If you run away from a place, you leave it because you are unhappy there.

e.g. I ran away from home when I was sixteen...
e.g. After his beating Colin ran away and hasn't been heard of since...

2. 私奔
If you run away with someone, you secretly go away with them in order to live with them or marry them.

e.g. She ran away with a man called McTavish last year...
e.g. He and I were always planning to runaway together.

3. 逃避,躲避(问题、新事物等)
If you run away from something unpleasant or new, you try to avoid dealing with it or thinking about it.

run away的反义词

e.g. They runaway from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord...
e.g. You can't runaway for ever.

4. see also: runaway

run away英英释义


1. flee
take to one's heels
cut and run

e.g. If you see this man, run!
The burglars escaped before the police showed up

Synonym: scatrunscarperturn taillamhightail itbunkhead for the hillstake to the woodsescapefly the coopbreak away

2. escape from the control of

e.g. Industry is running away with us all
