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at the end of (August)

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

at the end of (August)单语例句

1. Dandong will face reviews by the national garden city inspection team attheendofAugust.

2. Stott was feeling the full effects of gravity for the first time since she rocketed to the space station attheendofAugust.

3. By theendofAugust, details ofthe campaign will be available atthe home page of BOCOG's official website.

4. Beijing's largest university entrance fraud case went on trial atthe No 1 Intermediate Court attheendofAugust.

5. The top 47 players entered before the entry deadline attheendofAugust qualified China Open directly.

6. The six parties concluded the first round of talks in Beijing attheendofAugust.

7. The auction is due to take place attheendofAugust.

8. The trial atthe Duesseldorf state court is scheduled to last at least until theendofAugust.

9. The second batch of four charged digital channels will be staged attheendofAugust.

10. China gave $ 16 million to the United Nations World Food Programme attheendofAugust.

at the end of (August)双语例句


1. They start to work attheendofAugust.


2. I started work attheendofAugust.

3. I decided to go to Shenzhen attheendofAugust.

4. I start work attheendofAugust.


5. It is estimated that the lily tower would be built up to 100 meters attheendofAugust, and completed entirely attheendof October.

6. Generally, West Nile virus peaks attheendofAugust, beginning of September.


7. In the U. S., savings and small time deposits -- two important classes of customer money -- stood at $6.9 trillion attheendofAugust, up 7.6% from a year earlier, according to the Federal Reserve.

8. AttheendofAugust, 2004, when I decided to come to Beijing for study, my friends hel****rewell Party for me.
截至八月底,2004年,当我决定来北京学习,我的朋友们的hel *** rewell党话。


9. I set this goal back in July and it has now been materialized attheendofAugust.

10. As Swaziland's biggest festival, every year attheendofAugust or early September.

11. Seventy-five years ago, attheendofAugust 1930, the last 36 islanders banked up their turf fires, opened their Bibles at Exodus, put some oats on the table, then left forever, bringing to an end a habitation and a way of life that stretched back at least two thousand years.


12. This term starts attheendofAugust.

13. At theendofAugust, I went to the Democratic National Convention with the Arkansas delegation.

14. On day attheendofAugust, in the afternoon, she was having lunch with her colleagues and suddenly she felt sick and then vomited in the washroom.

15. The 40-year-old, who retired attheendof 2006, was set to deputise for the injured Felipe Massa atthe European Grand Prix in Valencia on 23 August.
2006年底退休的今年40岁的Felipe Massa被安排代表在8月23日巴伦西亚的欧洲汽车。。。


16. Published data: August, the Bank has significantly increased the volume of individual customer Settlement. The total amount of transactions in August reached 180 million U. S. dollars; 9 month trading volume also increased 17%; 10 than attheendofAugust, a customer requested thatthe dollar volume of transactions has soared by 34%.

17. To provide an example of this conservative assumption, a fund with a calendar-year end would have to report attheendof February and again attheendofAugust.
可以举个例子来说明这个保守的假设,如果一家基金的财政年度和日历年度相重,也就是说它必须在每年的2 月底和8 月底公布其财务资料,那么跟风基金的资产也是在这两个披露日被买入。

18. The uplands and copses, which attheendofAugust had still been green islands among the black fields ploughed ready for winter corn, and the stubble had become golden and lurid red islands in a sea of bright green autumn crops.

19. It will be available in the United States from theendofAugust, at RRP of $299.99 USD.


20. In the port I had bought a good supply ofthe least expensive cigarettes, made of black tobacco and a cheap paper that could have been used to wrap packages, and I began to smoke the way I did in those days, using the butt endof one cigarette to light the next, as I reread `Light in August`: atthe time, William Faulkner was the most faithful of my tutelary demons.
