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Mediterranean Sea

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

Mediterranean Sea基本解释


Mediterranean Sea的反义词

Mediterranean Sea网络解释

1. Mediterranean Sea在线翻译

1. 地中海:地中海风格窗帘(1) 地中海(MediterraneanSea)被北面的欧洲大陆,南面的非洲大陆和东面的亚洲大陆包围着. 东西共长约4000千米,南北最宽处大约为1800千米,面积约为2,512,000平方公里(970,000平方哩),是世界最大的陆间海.

2. 地中:罗得斯岛巨像位于希腊罗得斯岛(island of Rhodes)通往地中(MediterraneanSea) 的港口. 公元前的罗德岛是重要的商务中心 它位于爱琴海和地中海的交界处 罗德港于公元前408年建成. 历史上罗德岛曾经被许多势力范围统治过 其中包括毛索洛斯(他的陵墓也是七大奇迹之一)和亚历山大大帝.

3. 奇袭:11.地中海 MediterraneanSea | 12.奇袭 MediterraneanSea | 13.马赛 Marseilles

4. 地中海的海洋:medicine||药 | MediterraneanSea||地中海的海洋 | melon||甜瓜

Mediterranean Sea单语例句

1. The Iranian military drills coincide with the ongoing joint military drill of the United States and Israel by the MediterraneanSea.

2. Georgia is a hub of oil and natural gas pipes from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean.

3. More traditional Greek dishes are promised to follow as the restaurant matures, so keep your fingers crossed for some Mediterranean coastline in Jianwai Soho's sea of concrete.

4. The largest international exhibition group with more than 30 booths was Cyprus, an island country in the eastern MediterraneanSea that few Chinese people know about.

5. Stepping into the Sardinia exhibition room, visitors would find they had dived into the crystal blue MediterraneanSea.

6. Every second mussel in the MediterraneanSea allegedly contains the hepatitis A virus.

7. Fellow holidaymakers also got to enjoy the display in the MediterraneanSea, with the guest adding it was the most amazing they had ever seen.

8. The groups will relieve units from the USS Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group currently positioned in the MediterraneanSea.

9. Only China and the civilizations around the MediterraneanSea share this feature, something that must make all of us very proud.

10. Allam believes there is a strong possibility that Zheng crossed Egypt and reached the MediterraneanSea and southern Italy.

Mediterranean Sea
