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go to jail

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

go to jail单语例句

1. Gray became the second DC mayor togotojail while advocating for home rule.

2. If you have togotojail, you may as well stay in a place you like.

3. Fraud and misappropriation of the capital markets are the other main reasons the wealthy gotojail.

4. " There must be resistance tat includes willingness togotojail, " he said.

5. District Judge Richard Smoak that Francis became enraged and verbally abusive during settlement talks, and the judge ordered Francis to settle the case or gotojail.

6. Michael Lohan claims daughter Lindsay would rather gotojail than rehab.

7. A Chongqing municipality man may gotojail for hitting the brakes on a bus because he couldn't wait to get off.

go to jail的翻译
