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greenhouse effect

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

greenhouse effect基本解释


greenhouse effect

greenhouse effect网络解释

1. greenhouse effect的翻译

1. 温室气体:Green Revolution绿色革命 | greenhouseeffect温室气体 | grey desert soil灰钙土


2. 温室效用:greenhorn 生手 | greenhouseeffect 温室效用 | greenhouse 温室

3. 绿色环保效应:075.cut off 切断,中断 | 076.greenhouseeffect 绿色环保效应 | 077.in danger of... 在......的危险中

greenhouse effect词典解释

1. 温室效应
The greenhouse effect is the problem caused by increased quantities of gases such as carbon dioxide in the air. These gases trap the heat from the sun, and cause a gradual rise in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.

greenhouse effect英英释义


1. warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere
caused by atmospheric gases that allow sunshine to pass through but absorb heat that is radiated back from the warmed surface of the earth

Synonym: greenhouse warming
