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go out

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

go out基本解释

go out

外出; 出国; 熄灭; 出版

go out情景对话


go out什么意思

A:Will you goout with me this Saturday?

B:Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.


B:We could (eat in more/ goout for dinner less/ stop going out shopping so much).

A:That’s a good idea.


go out的意思

A:I think you had better come out to the factory .

B:Is there something wrong .

A:Yes ,your last shipment wasn‘t up to par .

B:Let ‘s goout and have a look at it .

go out网络解释

1. 外出;熄灭:go on继续;发生 | goout外出;熄灭 | go over检查,审查;复习,重温

2. go out的意思

2. 熄灭:go on with 继续 | goout 熄灭 | go over 复习;仔细地再读一遍

3. 熄灭;外出:go off 爆炸,离开 | goout 熄灭,外出 | go around 流行,流传

4. 出去:stand up 起立 | goout 出去 | come in 进来

go out词典解释

1. 外出交际;外出娱乐
If you go out, you leave your home in order to do something enjoyable, for example to go to a party, a bar, or the cinema.

e.g. I'm going out tonight.
e.g. It will be a marvellous occasion and they should goout and enjoy it.

2. 与(异性)交往;与…谈恋爱(或有性关系)
If you go out with someone, the two of you spend time together socially, and have a romantic or sexual relationship.

go out

e.g. I once went out with a French man...
e.g. They've only been going out for six weeks.

3. 刻意;故意
If you go out to do something, you make a deliberate effort to do it.

e.g. You do not goout to injure opponents...

4. (灯)熄灭
If a light goes out, it stops shining.

e.g. The bedroom light went out after a moment.

5. (燃烧物)熄灭
If something that is burning goes out, it stops burning.

go out的解释

e.g. The fire seemed to be going out.

6. 被广播;被发表;被公布
If a message goes out, it is announced, published, or sent out to people.

go out是什么意思

e.g. Word went out that a column of tanks was on its way.

7. (电视或广播节目)播出
When a television or radio programme goes out, it is broadcast.

e.g. The series goes out at 10.30pm, Fridays, on Channel 4.

8. 不复存在;被替代;过时
If a type of thing goes out, it stops existing or being used, usually because it is replaced by something else.

e.g. Double-breasted suits went out years ago...
e.g. The weapons had gone out of use.

9. (潮水)退去
When the tide goes out, the water in the sea gradually moves back to a lower level.

e.g. The tide was going out.

10. (比赛中)被淘汰,出局
If a person or team goes out of a competition, they are defeated in a game and therefore can no longer take part in the competition.

go out的意思

e.g. Newcastle went out of the competition, losing 2-1 on aggregate.

11. 我十分同情他/ 她
You can say 'My heart goes out to him' or 'My sympathy goes out to her' to express the strong sympathy you have for someone in a difficult or unpleasant situation.

go out的近义词

e.g. My heart goes out to Mrs Adams and her fatherless children.

go out英英释义


1. become extinguished

e.g. The lights suddenly went out and we were in the dark

2. leave the house to go somewhere

e.g. We never went out when our children were small

3. take the field

e.g. The soldiers went out on missions

4. move out of or depart from

e.g. leave the room
the fugitive has left the country

Synonym: exitget outleave

5. date regularly
have a steady relationship with

e.g. Did you know that she is seeing an older man?
He is dating his former wife again!

Synonym: go steadydatesee

6. go out of fashion
become unfashionable
