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make noise

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

make noise单语例句

1. They have such regimented fan clubs that they can make a much bigger noise than their actual size suggests.

2. " Sound bombs " or percussion grenades make a deafening noise but rarely cause much serious damage.

3. The lighting and noise level make it a perfect venue for your next small gathering of friends.

4. To prevent them from flying away, do not make any noise when bird watching.

5. Formula 1 team principals with lots of money never make much noise.

6. With a splendid lineup of tennis stars from China and abroad, this year's China Open is set to make some noise.

7. Constant noise and irregular light patterns make it difficult to sleep on board a spacecraft.

8. In China, it's OK for people to slurp their soup and make a noise.

9. It also riled up a crowd filled with Belgians looking for any excuse to makenoise.

10. In other words the more noise you make, the more people will listen.

make noise的近义词
