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do morning exercises

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

do morning exercises单语例句

1. The hundreds of bees buzzing around a pine tree in the park had become the scourge of people hoping to do their morningexercises.

2. And once you get into the habit of doing morningexercises, you will more likely do it everyday.

3. To keep the old man happy, Zhang wakes him up by crowing and then helps him do his morningexercises.

do morning exercises双语例句

1. It`s correct to domorningexercises every day.

2. First of all, I should get up early in the morning rather than sleep late, even on the weekends, then I can do some exercises as body building.

3. She always gets up at dawn to go jogging and domorningexercises.

4. do morning exercises是什么意思

4. Running is good exercise for many people.(2).The students have to do a lot of math exercises.(3).We not only domorningexercises but also do eye exercises every day. Lesson 2 Many faces, One Picture
wear 动词表示穿着,它有一些近义词,如:put on ,dress,in 注意它们的区别。put on 意思是穿上强调穿的动作,dress意思是给某人穿或自己穿衣服。in 表示穿着的状态,与wear意思相同,但不能单独使用,需要和be一起做谓语,后面常跟表示颜色或服装的词。

5. Both he and his father domorningexercises every day.

6. do morning exercises

6. Wake it up do some out-class activities do the ocular gymnastics how to have fun? play volleyball after school look at the time tell your friends about your campus life have eight classes ought to read the book write for me domorningexercises big and clean a school day spent time on doing sth a member of the swimming group do exerices with friends sitting under the tree of the playground.

7. I have no time to domorningexercises.

8. do morning exercises的近义词

8. It`s time to domorningexercises.

9. Oh, I have no time to domorningexercises.

10. I used to domorningexercises, but now I don't.

11. It`s good for us to domorningexercises.


12. It's good to domorningexercises.

13. I domorningexercises in the morning.

14. I limited myself to two modest ambitions: to do phisical exercises every morning and to read more of an evening.

15. I know well that I should domorningexercises, but I never do.

16. do morning exercises是什么意思

16. Tonny said he got up early to domorningexercises this morning.

17. I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I domorningexercises in the playground. At 6:40, I have my breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room.

18. It's good for people to domorningexercises.

19. To do physical exercises every morning and to read moreof an evening.

20. Students doexercises together on the playground every morning.
