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go to the cinema

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

go to the cinema单语例句

1. Discount tickets encourage people togotothecinema and are mostly group purchases, rewarded tocinema members or offered through sales promotions.

2. Wu's teacher Ma Shihua said it's " a luxury " for rural kids togotothecinema.

3. If you are not interested in it, please don't gotothecinema.

4. Then you pick thecinema nearest to where you live and go directly there 20 minutes before show time.

5. This is the sort of movie I'd goto see in thecinema.

6. The country's per capita GDP is only one twentieth of that of the United States, but it costs about the same togotothecinema.

7. Even when people gotothecinema, they usually show little interest in domestically made films.

go to the cinema
