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dig out

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

dig out基本解释

dig out的近义词

挖掘; 挖走; 找出来; 匆匆地离开

dig out相关例句


1. They had dug out an ancient tomb.

2. We are expecting to digout some important facts.

dig out网络解释

1. 掘出;挖掉:dig in 掘土以参进(肥料等) | digout 掘出;挖掉 | dig up 掘起;挖出


2. 发掘出,发现:5.dig into 深入钻研 | 6.digout 发掘出,发现 | 7.do away with 废除

3. dig out是什么意思

3. 掘出.发现:disaster 灾难.灾祸 | digout 掘出.发现 | bury埋葬;掩埋.隐藏

4. 挖出:die out 灭绝;死光、死绝 | digout 挖出 | direct sb. to do 指导、要求某人去做

dig out词典解释

1. (从…中)挖出,挖掘出
If you dig someone or something out of a place, you get them out by digging or by forcing them from the things surrounding them.

e.g. ...digging minerals out of the Earth...
e.g. Rescue crews have been digging people out of collapsed buildings.

2. 找出,翻出(收存、藏起或遗忘很久之物)
If you dig something out, you find it after it has been stored, hidden, or forgotten for a long time.

e.g. Recently, I dug out Barstow's novel and read it again...
e.g. We'll try and dig the number out for you if you want it.

dig out英英释义

dig out


1. create by digging

e.g. dig a hole
dig out a channel

Synonym: dig

2. dig out from underneath earth or snow

3. remove, harvest, or recover by digging

e.g. dig salt
dig coal

Synonym: digdig up
