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Mount Kilauea

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

Mount Kilauea双语例句

1. A flow of glowing lava issues from MountKilauea in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

2. In this passage, the author, a volcanologist whose job is collecting information for a database on MountKilauea, talked about his own experiences, especially the first sight of an eruption and his enthusiasm.

3. Welcome to MountKilauea, the world's most active volcano. It is on the island of Hawaii. Kilauea is not far from Mauna Loa, the largest volcano in the world.

4. Mount Kilauea的近义词

4. Mount Kilauea, Hawaii, 1983 Photograph by James L.
