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美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]





1. 丹普森:滕尼 (Gene Tunney) 世界重量级拳击冠军,与丹普森 (Dempsey) 一战而闻名. 伊莎朵拉邓肯 (Isadora Duncan) 现代舞的创始者,她为芭蕾舞进行改革,使舞蹈成为人类肢体与感情的自然表达方式. 她同时也是贫民窟之花,因披肩卷入跑车轮胎中而意外身亡.

2. Dempsey在线翻译

2. 邓普斯 盖尔 骄傲而有力的人:Dean 迪恩 英国 山谷;学校的领导者;教堂的领导者. | Dempsey 邓普斯 盖尔 骄傲而有力的人. | Dennis 丹尼斯 希腊 希腊的酒神.

3. 盖尔 骄傲而有力的人:Dean 英国 山谷;学校的领导者;教堂的领导者 | Dempsey 盖尔 骄傲而有力的人 | Dennis 希腊 希腊的酒神 (别翻成等你死喔)


4. 鄧普斯 驕傲而有力的人:Dean 迪恩 - 山谷 學校的領導者 教堂的領導者 | Dempsey 鄧普斯 - 驕傲而有力的人 | Dennis 丹尼斯 - 希臘的酒神


1. " It was a very calculated action " by the militiamen, Dempsey said.

2. Dempsey added though that the offensive had uncovered evidence of fairly well structured guerrilla cells able to coordinate their operations.

3. Beasley neatly chipped a pass over the Cuban defense to Dempsey, who was just onside.

4. The US stunned Brazil by taking the lead with a fortuitous goal by Dempsey.

5. Obama announced on Monday that he would nominate General Martin Dempsey, who had just taken over on April 11 as army chief of staff.

6. Former Tottenham Hotspur striker Juergen Klinsmann believes fans of the North London club will warmly embrace their new American signing Clint Dempsey.

7. Dempsey set the record for New Orleans in November 1970, and Denver's Elam matched it on October 1998.

8. Girvan Dempsey and Denis Hickie scored two tries apiece as Ireland regained the verve missing from their narrow win over Scotland last weekend.

9. Dempsey characterized the shift as " three mores " - more attention, more engagement and more quality.

10. The win for Dempsey deals a rare setback for Starbucks on its home turf.

