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only a little

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

only a little单语例句

1. A new study has challenged the popular notion that a high carbohydrate, low fat slimming plan only works if there's little or no sugar involved.

2. These people were not onlya burden but also had little to do but cause trouble and contribute to an ever increasing crime rate.

3. But it took me onlyalittle more than two hours last week to drive from the Central China geographic hub to this mountainous township.

4. Only alittle over 100 psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Red Cross Society are working there.

5. It is alittle sad that xiangsheng is the only comedic performance indigenous to Chinese.

6. Moving Bai Jie up front was the only way to finally give us a chance to confuse them alittle and create a few opportunities.

7. Such a statement is of little consequence since countries usually only devalue their currencies in extreme situations like a severe financial crisis.

8. I didn't see any significant reduction in usage of plastic bags - they only cost alittle more.

9. Mentally and physically I'm okay, only my left hamstring is bothering me alittle bit.

10. With onlya few isolated dirt roads in the area, there is little danger that it will be spoiled by mass tourism.

only a little的翻译
