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go along

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

go along基本解释

进行; 赞同; 兜风; 陪伴

go along相关例句


1. You'll find it easier as you goalong.

2. I can't goalong with your suggestion.

go along网络解释

1. 进行,进展;(with)赞同:go at 攻击;着手/努力做 | goalong 进行,进展;(with)赞同 | go into action 开始行动

2. 进行:316. get to 到达 | 334. goalong 进行 | 335. go across 穿过,横过

3. 前进:goalong with 赞同 | goalong 前进 | go ape 发疯

4. 进行,继续,同意:go about 从事,着手做 | goalong 进行,继续,同意 | go after 设法得到,追求

go along词典解释

1. 出席(会议等);去(某地)
If you go along to a meeting, event, or place, you attend or visit it.

e.g. I went along to the meeting...
e.g. You should goalong and have a look.

2. 进展
If you describe how something is going along, you describe how it is progressing.

e.g. Things were going along fairly well.

go along英英释义

go along什么意思


1. pass by

e.g. three years elapsed

Synonym: elapselapsepassslip byglide byslip awaygo byslide by

2. cooperate or pretend to cooperate

e.g. He decided to play along with the burglars for the moment

Synonym: play along

3. continue a certain state, condition, or activity

e.g. Keep on working!
We continued to work into the night
Keep smiling
We went on working until well past midnight

Synonym: continuego onproceedkeep
