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lock up

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

lock up基本解释

lock up

将…锁住[关押]; 关禁闭; 钤; 关

lock up网络解释

1. 破茧威龙:ess) 惊秫 美国大麻烦 (Big Trouble) 喜剧 美国捉梦人/捕梦网 (Dreamcatcher) 恐怖 美国黑鹰计划 (Black Hawk Down) 剧情 美国大麻烦 (Big Trouble) 犯罪 美国破茧威龙 (LockUp) 犯罪 美国破茧威龙 (LockUp) 剧情 美国黑鹰计

lock up词典解释

1. 把…锁起妥藏
If you lock something up in a place or container, you put or hide it there and fasten the lock.

e.g. Give away any food you have on hand, or lock it up and give the key to the neighbours...
e.g. Control of materials could be maintained by locking up bombs.

2. 把…关入监狱(或精神病院)
To lock someone up means to put them in prison or a secure psychiatric hospital.

e.g. Mr Milner persuaded the federal prosecutors not to lockup his client...
e.g. You are mad, Isabel. You should be locked up.

3. 锁好(建筑物或汽车的)门窗
When you lock up a building or car or lock up, you make sure that all the doors and windows are locked so that nobody can get in.

lock up

e.g. Don't forget to lockup...
e.g. Leave your car here and lock it up.

lock up英英释义

lock up


1. place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape

e.g. The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend
She locked her jewels in the safe

Synonym: lock inlock awaylockput awayshut upshut away

2. secure by locking

e.g. lock up the house before you go on vacation
