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Good morning!

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

Good morning!单语例句

Good morning!在线翻译

1. The network has also said he is welcome to come back to " Good Morning America ".

2. Every morning they would spray a few drops of the nectars that would keep them smelling good the whole day.

3. Early morning is the best time to watch birds, as Dongtan is also a good place to enjoy sunrise.

4. The proper amount of lovemaking will freshen you up and make you feel good the next morning.

5. My final morning in Jerusalem I woke uneasily, struggling to recover from another night of seared goose breast and good wine.

6. " There's always someone with you, " she told ABC's " Good Morning America " show.

7. In November, she told " Good Morning America " anchor Diane Sawyer about her goals for 2006.

8. This photo supplied by ABC shows ABC Newsman Bob Woodruff as he returns to visit colleagues at'Good Morning America'in New York.

9. He planned to appear on ABC's " Good Morning America " Thursday to discuss the tragedy and recovery efforts.

10. On the top is the sun saying " Good Morning " to the girl.

Good morning!
