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dragon dance

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

dragon dance单语例句

dragon dance

1. Lion and dragon dances as well as yangko folk dance brought about much bustle and excitement.

2. In countries like the United States, dragon boat racing and the dragondance are making inroads from Chinatown into the mainstream.

3. At first, it was played as a prelude to the dragon lantern dance to clear the way.

4. The atmosphere went into a climax when villagers were performing dragondance to welcome the Year of the Dragon.

5. Organizers said intangible cultural tourism from Macao will also be on display, including " wood engravings of deity statues " and the " drunken dragondance ".

6. With exquisite designs in its head and tail, the straw dragon looks lively and needs 125 men to carry while performing the dance.

7. Analysts believe Singh's visit can be a pivot on which the dragon and the elephant will dance more closely on the global arena.

8. The grand finale of CHINA TIME 2010 featured Europe's largest dragon and lion dance parade, held in Hamburg's city centre.

9. The joss sticks dragondance is a folk activity has special significance, which is means prosperity and good luck.

10. There are 10 prizes up for grabs six for the lion dance contest and four for dragondance demonstrations.

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