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make a point

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

make a point基本解释


make a point网络解释

1. 表明一种看法;证明一个论点:major general 少将 | makeapoint 表明一种看法;证明一个论点 | makea tribute to 向...献礼

2. 立论,证明论点:make up one's mind 下决心 | makeapoint 立论,证明论点 | makea promise 许诺

3. 立论:makeapoint of 重视 | makeapoint 立论 | makea poor fist at 不成功

4. 阐述观点:makea note of 记下 | makeapoint 阐述观点 | makeapoint of doing 强调;决心,坚持

make a point英英释义


1. make a point of doing something
act purposefully and intentionally

Synonym: make sure
