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on impulse

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

on impulse单语例句

on impulse的反义词

1. " Sadly many people commit suicide onimpulse, " Professor Hui adds.

2. The impulse simply to cut the Gordian knot of debt by defaulting on it is much stronger when creditors are remote and unknown.

3. I think she made this decision onimpulse, not taking every factor into consideration.

4. Increasing pressure from work has reportedly generated more and more conflict among modern couples, with a number of them wanting to divorce onimpulse.

5. He said he bought his yacht on an impulse six years ago, while visiting the US Mercury Yacht Club at Taihu Lake in Suzhou.

6. A common feature of such heroes is that they act onimpulse, without thinking about potential dangers.

7. I feel the impulse to log on and keep updating even when I go to the restroom.

on impulse
