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give over to

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

give over to单语例句

1. " Victory over Saudi Arabia will give the Carthage Eagles wings to fly even higher, " said former player Nabil Kouki.

2. Russia has said it will give the WTO a document to clear up confusion over its plans to join the world trade body.

3. With her staff of over eighty assistants this remarkable woman used little colored flags togive orders.

4. The babies'mothers were promised large sums of money to come to France, give birth and hand their babies overto other couples.

5. He had refused togive up until the Japanese government flew in his former commander to formally inform him the war was over.

6. Those that succeed will have a huge commercial advantage which could give them the leverage they need to take over their rivals.

7. His grandma cooked a special dish that she believed would give him the energy required to sprint down a track and leap over obstacles.

8. Delegates were also wrangling over a proposal on cotton and a package togive the world's poorest nations special trade privileges.

9. As I left the courthouse to return to prison, many people were waiting by the roadside and they rushed overtogive me food.

10. Despite Jordaan's attempts to defuse concerns over South Africa's high crime rate, he was pressed togive details of the country's policing plans for 2010.

give over to
