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pack in

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

pack in基本解释

pack in的翻译

停止; 塞进; 放弃; 辞职

pack in相关例句


1. Why didn't you packin immediately when you began to feel dizzy?

pack in网络解释

1. 停止:packin dozens 成打地包装 | packin 停止 | pack it up 停止

2. 放弃:? stardom 明星(地位) | ? packin 放弃 | ? cosset 宠爱、纵容

3. pack in的近义词

3. 挤进,挤入;停止:pack away 收藏,把...收起 | packin 挤进,挤入;停止 | pack off 打发;寄出, 送走

4. 停止,放弃:3695pack away把...收起来放好 | 3696packin停止,放弃 | 3697pack off把...打发走

pack in词典解释

1. 停止做
If you pack something in, you stop doing it.

e.g. I'd just packed in a job the day before...
e.g. Pack it in. Stop being spiteful.

2. 堆满;挤满;塞满
If someone packs in things or people, they fit a lot of them into a limited space or time.

pack in的翻译

e.g. Prisons are having to packin as many inmates as possible...
e.g. It's kind of a referendum, though a lot of issues are packed in.

3. (戏剧、电影、活动等)吸引大批观众
If a play, film or event packs them in, lots of people go to see it.

e.g. 'Blow your head!' is still packing them in at Camden's Jazz Café every Friday night.
