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the more the more

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

the more the more单语例句

the more the more的近义词

1. Oil refiners and airlines rose across the board as world crude prices dropped more than US $ 2 overnight to nearly US $ 118.

2. Huang said more should be done to encourage private companies to keep their business in the production of goods and provision of services.

3. Compared with a group who had played a nonviolent video game, those who had played " Mortal Kombat " were more aggressive across the board.

4. The demand for business software among Chinese SMEs is growing as more and more of them seek to boost their efficiency.

5. Each year thousands of Chinese mainlanders come to the Philippines to do business, and more and more end up settling in the country.

6. When more people benefit from the business, it will bite deep into the ethics of academics.

7. Some 62 percent of the city's total travel expenses are spent on business trips, while more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies are already located here.

8. It is reported the aquarium made of acrylic glass costs about five million yuan and covers an area of more than 160 square meters.

9. The purpose of this form of business is to encourage investors to invest without risking more than the capital they have contributed.

10. This year's game is expected to add $ 150 million to the Indianapolis economy and even more if it boosts tourism and convention business.

the more the more的翻译
