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follow suit

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

follow suit基本解释

follow suit

跟着做,照着做; 如法炮制; 踵武; 依葫芦画瓢

follow suit

follow suit相关例句



1. He went to bed and she followed suit after a few minutes.

follow suit网络解释

1. 鹦鹉学舌;学样子:over and down with 到此为止;结束 | followsuit 鹦鹉学舌;学样子 | gain ground 有进展

2. 照着做,跟出同花色的牌:18.hike 提高,增加 | 19.followsuit 照着做,跟出同花色的牌 | 20.profit margin 利润幅度

3. follow suit

3. 学样,照着做:follow close to the line of严格遵守 | followsuit 学样,照着做 | food processing 进食

4. 如法炮制:Fly on the wheel 狂妄自大的人 | followsuit 如法炮制 | Follow the river and you will get to the sea. 沿着河就一定会走到海边.

follow suit英英释义


1. do what someone else is doing
