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organic food

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

organic food单语例句

1. Authorities will step up measures to shut down substandard organicfood businesses, cracking down on illegal activities such as certification misuse and counterfeiting of organicfood products.

2. He said that not all farms and manufacturers would be able to be certified to produce organicfood due to strict standards.

3. Some supermarkets and suppliers in Beijing are ignoring a new national standard that aims to rein in the chaotic organicfood industry.

4. Food watchdogs have rejected claims that expensive organic milk is any healthier than its conventional equivalent.

5. Set up in 2000, the organic farm now boasts a diversified range of organicfood.

6. Xinhua reported that even supposedly organicfood such as vegetables from producers that claim not to use chemical fertilizers or pesticides cannot be entirely trusted.

7. They say a food can be natural and organic even if it has been genetically engineered.

8. Xu takes pride in bringing out the natural flavors of food, with most fruits and vegetables coming from her organic farm in Yuen Long.

9. Vue Restaurant at Hyatt on the Bund brings you various fig desserts that you can enjoy along with organic wine and food.

10. The food is so good in Albania that lots of farmers grow everything organic and Albania has strong sun light along the Mediterranean coast.

organic food什么意思
