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Tropic of Cancer

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

Tropic of Cancer基本解释


Tropic of Cancer网络解释

1. 北回归线:米勒(Henry Miller)<>(TropicofCancer)一书的裁定一样,这项判决可说是文学解放的一个里程碑. 自此,不论是在政治或小说创作方面,六○年代的人都得到了自由.

2. 回归线:1931年的法国巴黎,亨利.米勒从事<>(TropicofCancer)的自由写作生活,而阿奈斯.宁也在无关痛痒地写着分析D.H.劳伦斯(D H Lawrence)的文章,当二人擦出炙热的情爱火花,接着琼的加入,于是三人三情第三性的纷乱撕扯的爱情纠葛开始了.


3. 巨蟹回归线:好莱坞悍妇 HOLLYWOOD VIXENS 1970 | 巨蟹回归线 TROPICOFCANCER 1970 | 坎特伯雷故事 THE CANTERBURY TALES 1971

4. 北同归线:tropic cyclonic rainfall 热带气旋雨 | tropicofcancer 北同归线 | tropicof Capricorn 南同归线

Tropic of Cancer词典解释

1. 北回归线
The Tropic of Cancer is an imaginary line around the Earth 23˚26′ north of the equator.

Tropic of Cancer单语例句

1. Mojiang's precise latitude is 232622 north of the Equator, commonly known as the TropicofCancer or Northern tropic.

2. In the mountainside park built along the TropicofCancer, mythical tales of the local people flourish in carvings and pillars.

3. Yunnan is the most southwestern province in China, with the TropicofCancer running through its southern section.

4. Winter leaf is a plant that exists exclusively in Zhaoqing on the TropicofCancer.

5. It is in the south of Guangdong Province and south of the TropicofCancer.

6. Sitting south of the TropicofCancer, it is in southern Guangdong Province.

Tropic of Cancer
