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one hundred

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

one hundred单语例句

1. The English language was strongly influenced by an event that took place more than one thousand four hundred years ago.

2. In Yangzhou one can enjoy a good meal for a hundred, or just a few yuan.

3. Located close to the beautiful Wild Duck Lake, the car campsite has nearly onehundred tents available for use.

4. On a vast red wall of " Cantilever House " rest nearly onehundred butterflies.

5. Please ask anyone if they can find any trace of Communism at least onehundred miles radio from Washington.

6. The Qingjiang River is so clear that one can see the sand and stones about a hundred feet deep under water.

7. He discovered that galaxies are moving away from Earth at speeds between three hundred kilometers a second and one thousand eight hundred kilometers a second.

8. China has a glorious history in fin swimming, having participated in world championships a dozen times and won some onehundred gold medals.

9. And then there's the one about him winning a few hundred thousand pounds betting with his office mates on the Rugby World Cup in 1995.

10. A Tang Dynasty ruler heard of a plot to depose him and decided to flee with onehundred of his followers.

one hundred的反义词
