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great white shark

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

great white shark单语例句

1. A greatwhiteshark swims in Australia's southern ocean off the Neptune Islands next to a diving cage.

2. He is also known as the GreatWhiteShark - a nickname that recalls not only his Australian roots but also his aggressive playing style.

3. A GreatWhiteShark has gatecrashed a tuna research project in Australia, mysteriously appearing inside a fishing pen containing around 100 tuna.

4. A giant shark believed to be up to 6m long almost bit a greatwhiteshark in half off the coast of an Australian island.

great white shark双语例句

1. great white shark的解释

1. New Zealand fur seals swim warily above a greatwhiteshark, the largest predatory fish in the seas.

2. The massive greatwhite, the swift, sleek tiger, and the often-ignored, but dangerous, bull shark.

3. Jaws the story of a greatwhiteshark that terrorizes the coastal community of Amity fits into the category.

4. Jaws, the story of a greatwhiteshark that terrorizes the coastal community of Amity, fits into the category.
Jaws 讲述的是一只大白鲨威胁 Amity 海滨小镇的故事,它就属于这一类。

5. great white shark的翻译

5. We all know about the size of dinosaurs, of course, but how about a rodent the size of a bull, a sea scorpion bigger than a man, a frog as large as a beach ball, a penguin the size of a small adult human, a 1, 000-pound ground-sloth-like marsupial, and a shark that may have grown longer than 50 feet and weighed up to 30 times more than the largest modern greatwhite?

6. great white shark在线翻译

6. The basking shark and whale shark are killed mainly for their fins and meat, and the greatwhiteshark for its jaws and teeth, he said.

7. That's more than three times the size of the formidable greatwhiteshark.

8. I want to swim with a greatwhiteshark.


9. It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the greatwhiteshark.

10. A greatwhiteshark in a California aquarium attacked two soupfin sharks, causing their deaths.

11. It's said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the GreatWhiteShark.


12. It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the GreatWhiteShark.

13. great white shark

13. This close-up of a greatwhiteshark's mouth shows its rows of sharp teeth.

14. The one-year-old shark is the longest surviving greatwhite in captivity.

15. A surfer says he reacted on instinct when he punched a greatwhiteshark that grabbed his leg near the northern Oregon coast.

16. great white shark

16. The greatwhiteshark has to keep moving or it dies.


17. Swim with dolphins and face an attack by the most dangerous creature in the sea-the greatwhiteshark!

18. For example, the greatwhiteshark moves through water with fearsome grace, thanks to 400m years of natural selection.

19. Parts of this book are best read with a bowl of popcorn: looking into the jaws of a greatwhiteshark in search of the meaning of death;
