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polish up

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

polish up基本解释

擦亮; 改善,提高

polish up相关例句


1. Would you polishup the article a bit?

polish up网络解释

1. 改善:polish off 草草做完 | polishup 改善 | polish 磨光

2. 磨光,擦亮;提高,改进:5. in other words 换句话说,换言之 | 6. polishup 磨光,擦亮;提高,改进 | 7. over time 随着时间的过去,经过一段时间


3. 擦得亮亮的; 装饰一新 改善, 提高:27.be measured against 比较、衡量 | polish the apple 讨人欢心; 拍马屁 | polishup 擦得亮亮的; 装饰一新 改善, 提高

4. polish up的反义词

4. 磨光,檫亮,提高,改进:part and parcel主要部分,必要部分 | polishup磨光,檫亮,提高,改进 | pay back 偿还(借款等)

polish up词典解释

1. -> see polish 5

polish up英英释义


1. bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state

e.g. polish your social manners

Synonym: polishroundround offbrush up
