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manage to do

美音: [ˈænθəm] 英音: [ˈænθəm]

manage to do单语例句

1. They could not managetodo that to a very docile nation in 1971, how then can they contemplate crushing a martial race?

2. Del Pino said the two countries will gradually do more business together and the office would be a good way tomanage the growing workload.

3. Some 16 percent of those with credit cards said they do not trust themselves tomanage their own credit card debts.

4. " What the government should do is beef up efforts to better manage the migrant population, " the director said.

5. When facing a constantly changing environment, how do you manageto make the right decision?

6. Not only do they need to speak fluent English and Mandarin, they also need tomanage the complicated lifestyles of their young pupils.

7. It is no wonder that many of the laws and regulations to better manage the country's social development do not seem to work effectively.

8. Landless farmers are currently receiving cash payouts from the government and do not receive any help tomanage the money.

9. He added that he felt larger organizations do probably need such a license as they have tomanage more volunteers and deal with larger donations.

10. They also face intense peer pressure and abuse, as they try to get out and after they managetodo so.

manage to do
